
Oktober ist so einer dieser Monate, wo man nie so richtig weiß. Will er Sommer bleiben oder Herbst sein. Will er Blätter abwerfen und im Regen liegen oder dranbleiben und in der Sonne strahlen.

Nicholas Krgovich hat jedenfalls ein Album geschrieben über das Dazwischen und das Hinterher, ein „Breakup“-Album:

I guess what makes “OUCH” stick out in the pile is the fact that it’s a breakup album: a concept as old as the hills but completely new to me. Up until last year I’d never fallen in love or experienced a broken heart. Not even close really. I can’t believe heartbreak is a thing that happens to pretty much everybody! It’s so wild! Maybe the wildest thing besides having a baby or death! No wonder I managed to avoid it for so long. I don’t think I could have handled it. […] I got dumped in the spring of 2017, in a way that made the whole, brief but potent relationship suddenly seem like a bit of a joke.

Im Oktober 2018 erscheint es nun:

So, “OUCH” is finally coming out this October. I’m excited to share it, even though my life feels completely different now, and I relate to every one of these songs in a starkly different way. Listening to the album now is like walking into a museum. I was in such a shit place for a long time but even during the worst of it I knew enough to regard the experience as a kind of gift. Loving is such a wild and bold act! I’m so grateful to know that my heart is open, that I can be in love, have my heart broken and survive. I didn’t know that before or trust that to be true at all. Plus now everybody and their dog knows I’m as gay as the day is long! I made a very gay break up album! What a relief!


Zum Stück October gibt es auch ein mit seinen Nachbarn aufgenommenes Video:

There was no way I’d feel comfortable lip syncing these words now, they feel as far away from me as the Eiffel Tower. So I had friends from the neighbourhood pop by and do it for me, so I could just listen, with the impartiality I currently feel about these kind of hilariously brutal, hopeless, and sad lyrics.


Fallen Leaves on Black Monday Amateur Lovers