Trying hard to Christmas

Trying to Christmas heißt das Weihnachtsalbum von L’Resorts, einer

tropical pop band from Milwaukee, Wi.

Großartige Lyrics zu melancholischen Marimbas, und das Ganze noch für einen guten Zweck.

Here in the midwest, winter can get a little lonely and people can get the blues. We lean on music and on each other to get through the dark and cold, and offer up this collection of alternative Christmas songs in hopes that it can do the same for you.

In the spirit of the season, all Bandcamp sales of this album will be donated to The Black String Triage Ensemble, a group of classical musicians who play music at Milwaukee crime scenes after the law enforcement teams have left. Unless you live under a rock, you know that Milwaukee has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. Please give if you can to support the innovative and heartfelt work of this organization.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and hope to see you at one of the live concerts showcasing this work.

Gefunden wie so oft im Christmas Underground:

Bottom Line: This may be the shortest review of a full record, only mentioning two songs and two lines of lyrics. Why? Because you don’t need to waste any more time not listening to this!

Recht hat er – die Lyrics gibt es auf der Bandcamp-Seite zum Mitlesen …

Cold Cold Cold Cold
Let this Christmas time be
Cold Cold Cold Cold
Oh so so cold
That there's nowhere we should go

Das Lied zum Sonntag | In the Castle of my Skin Alice Boman