
Andrzej Zaucha: Sprzedaj mnie wiatrowi

SIMON: „Guck mal, Robert, hier sind ‚some obscure tunes from Poland and forthcoming music from Astigmatic Records‘. Ein Track von Błoto ist auch dabei!“

ROBERT: „Geilo! Das wird mein Küchensoundtrack.“

Besonders gut hat uns der Szabadabadab-Track von Andrzej Zaucha und der Jazzrock-Kombo Dżamble gefallen: Opuść moje sny (Verlass meine Träume … komm heut endlich wirklich; ich will dich).

Natürlich haben wir sofort bei Wikipedia nachgeschlagen:

Zaucha was born and lived in Kraków. In his teens, he achieved nationwide success in canoeing. After school he became a typesetter. Zaucha never had any musical education […]

Heute auf den Tag genau vor 28 Jahren ist Andrzej Zaucha eines gewaltsamen Todes gestorben:

Zaucha was shot and killed in his home town Kraków at the age of 42, by French film director, Yves Goulais, along with Goulais's ex-wife Zuzanna whom he suspected of having an affair with Zaucha.

Auf Englisch singen konnte Andrzej Zaucha auch:

Der Gitarrist im Rollkragenpulli ist übrigens Marek Bliziński. Und erneut hilft uns Wikipedia:

Bliziński was the first Polish world-class jazz guitarist. […] Disappointed with imperfect recordings, he used all his savings for instruments and his own recording studio. He started working with his fellow musicians for the Royal Viking lines. Between cruises, he worked on his next solo album.

Auch Bliziński wurde nicht älter als 42:

Hardly anybody knew about Bliziński's illness. He underwent an operation for skin cancer in 1985, which seemed to be a success. He was strongly advised to avoid the sun. He went on another cruise in 1988. Many months spent on sea had a negative effect on him. He started losing moral support, fell into depression and became weaker and weaker. Two weeks before the end of a cruise near Jamaica, the doctor on board ordered his immediate return home. In a Warsaw hospital he was diagnosed with dangerous metastases of an advanced cancer. He died three months later in a hospital in Potocka street in Warsaw, six days before his 42nd birthday.

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